Outdoor Education | BOGS
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Learn more below on how we give back to Outdoor Education.


What if you made products that had been proven in study after study to help kids become healthier, happier, friendlier, more responsible, more focused, and more creative? You’d give them away, right? That’s what we do. Thousands of them—every year. To be clear, our boots couldn’t do any of those things without some amazing outdoor-oriented organizations that are getting kids outside, teaching them leadership skills in the outdoors, and cultivating a sense of awe and inspiration in nature.

Organizations like Outdoors Empowered Network, a national network of community-led, youth-centered outdoor education groups dedicated to increasing access and diversity in the outdoors, through gear libraries and outdoor leadership training. Organizations like 4-H, who have been providing experiences for young people to learn by doing for the past 100 years. Through life-changing 4-H programs, nearly six million kids and teens have taken on critical societal issues, such as addressing community health inequities, engaging in civil discourse, and advocating for equity and inclusion for all.

More and more national studies are putting exclamation points on all the specific and widespread benefits of kids having exposure to the outdoors. Can a pair of boots do all that? Nope. But they can help outdoor-oriented organizations equip more and more kids to go out and experience those benefits for themselves. That’s why we give.

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